View Profile DIMB
D%u0310%u0357%u035B% u0346%u036A%u036A%u0 31A%u034A%u0335%u035 E%u0326%u035A%u035A% u032F%u032B%u031D%u0 32C%u0354%u0331%u032 A%u0320%u0317%u0318% u0345%u0339D%u0346%u 0346%u0309%u0306%u03 06%u0352%u0357%u036A %u0312%u0342%u0311%u 036A%u0306%u036E%u03 3D%

Age 27, Male


Joined on 4/18/09

Exp Points:
3,476 / 3,600
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
6.01 votes
Audio Scouts
Safety Patrol
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:

wow, ya no se que decir, simplemente sensacional...

uh, ooh, si se me olvido algo, todo madness tiene mano derecha al igual que una mano izquierda!....el del beneli m4 tiene 2 manos izquierdas, no?

haha yeah i totally got it wrong i'm sorry i'll fix that

3 wrong hands
1.the guy with the shot gun holding the handule
2.the guy with the sowrd
p.s cant spell much.

the sword guy is holding it right, and thanks for poiting it out for a third time

21 kills................................
......................beeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee p...(paro cardiaco)

is great to see you animating again DIMB! :D

I also get fun at doing it :D

do you have to be so rud i never did anything to you?

I wasnt even being rude, I'm just telling you that the guy had it right, and that the other guy had it wrong, ok, it has been told by 2 other guys before, there was no need to comment the same for a third time

Very interesting background, looks awesome i'd

thank you :)

i thing that stairs are too big:_
and great screenie.

yeah thats true hehe, when i finished the scene i had to make the protagonist JUMP them! hehe so yeah a new challenge

XXXX1234 he is little bit mad.
not little bit he is mad.
and i wonder he is gay or what.

nice touch dimb still kick ass in madness combat as the same.

excelent progress :) when will be released that animation?

I'm not really sure, if I keep like this, animating like 200 frames per day, probably January 25th or February 1st

Inoticed the agent with the QBZ is wearing gloves.

is like the only think that makes the difference between him and the other agents, and also the... big... scars...

le da casi en los huevos....AUCH!

Haha Yeah

Good !!

agent vs agents?

you will get it when you see it

do you have skype?
if you don`t and want to download and create i will give you link...

i do

DIMB, talvez puedes poner un OBSVO o 2 OBSVO'S y un ATP para variar de agentes, no crees? hacerlos como comandos de pequeños grupos que aparecen pocas veces, eso hago yo para no explotarles la fama

I'm planning of editting the symbols after i have everything done, to my own agents

hope this thing lives !

Me too! hehe

i...hate...m-bot soooooooo much that he can go to hell...dont ask y.

? ok srsly one more stupid shitty comment, ill block you

hey??? hasta que frame piensas llegar masomenos?? cada noche pienso que estas terminando y recien empiezas aun cada vez mas de miles!!!!!!
carajo ajajajaja

eres rapidisimo...yo hubiera tardado masomenos 1 mes en llegar a 2500

acaso eres vicioso? XD

around 5500-6500

por cierto, excelente idea esa del edition despues de tener todo hecho, nunca lo habia pensado antes....me gusta esa idea, no la robare pr supuesto, pero creo que n algun momento sera necesario