View Profile DIMB
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Age 28, Male


Joined on 4/18/09

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Lol in your last post you worried about everyone leaving, well the seniors just left cause the 09'-ers fucked up the genre by turning it into a booring collab factory. Fact!

the collabs didnt ruin everything in madness if thats what you mean, you can choose between, joining or not, you can like it or not, you can vote 0 or 5 if you like it or not, you can choose between doing a collab, doing a serie, doing your own sprites, doing your own plot. You cant make someone guilty for doing something that doesnt affect anyone, because people can choose you cant be guilty for doing something you like. You don't depend of other people to make something, you can do it yourself, so you can't say that they fucked up the genre cuz they make collabs, they have people that likes it, and people who don't can do what they want.

The 09ers and the 10ers haven't really done collabs as much as older ones. Yes, 09ers have done a few collabs, but older animators have been doing collaborations a bit more. Truthfully, collabs may be overdone these days, leading to the loss of many solo animations. There are still full tributes being released, but the quality of it is lowering. You may have a point, but you're not completely right.

I feel that most people are leaving because they have gotten bored, wanted to stop or would like to try something else. Some of them go unsaid, and some of them surprise us with comebacks. It's not just one issue that caused people to leave.

love the screenie!

not like nevermind put out anything decent.......

IconicSteamage I put out a fucking movie that made front page, that decent enough? Don't lay this shit on me, LLL for example will agree if you ask him! The thing is that to make movies you need to be motivated, and seeing what you yourself is a part of starting to decay doesn't really put mouch motivation in your mind. Many people from the start thought that Madness was unoriginal, some other people like me objected and thought of originality within the genre such as Dawn of the Madness, Redness and such, so I tried to be original myself and contribute. Now that I see the entire thing being a collab factory of identical movies I just thought to myself "fuck it". Because a lost cause is a lost cause and if everyone really wants this to morph into one single unit cranking out movie after movie consisting only of guys entering gray rooms and failed commedic attempts then fucking do it but I won't join in. Collabs leave no room for any story, character development or any other real creativity that can come out of a solo project. There, now you can say all you want about those elements not fitting Madness but that has to change, and now you're working in the opposite direction, fast and efficiently!

You said, Madness is unoriginal, madness isn't unoriginal, the unoriginal is the people like me that doesnt do anything new of it, you can do yourself the originality of it, most of the goods ideas of madness has been take, now there is just stupid shit left, but there is always someone that comes up with a good one, collabs doesnt have anything new neither because the people on it does always the same, enters the room, killing rush, done. But if you are enough imaginative you can do yourself a good plot and an original clip. Madness has a lot of potential the problem is guys like me that has not imagination. I love what I do, sounds stupid but I love unoriginal madness, the guy enters a room and kills everyone, I love that. You also say that collabs doesnt leaves any space for any story, originality doesnt depends at 100% about an story, you can make something original and short without and story, in 30 seconds you can do a lot of stuff, you dont need 2 minutes to do something original, you just need a good idea that can be explained in a couple of words and done, you have a good clip for a collab.

Happy new year DIMB, i hope to see a lot of animations from you :)

Happy new year 2 u 2, yeah i hope same from you, your latest flash was cool

Nevermind, you do have a number of good points, and so do you, DIMB. Sure, it's unoriginal. But it's WHAT you do with madness that makes a difference. Collabs can get old, sure. However, don't let that kill the genre for you. I'm not taking sides, though, I just happen to agree with both of you in different ways. Hope you both enjoy 2011.

The only thing that im really trying to say is that madness is not the unoriginal, the unoriginality is from the guys like me that has no imagination and happy new year you too.

Well as I said, and as you have admitted, you do unoriginal stuff. But for the genre as a whole to break out and be original it doesn't just take one guy, but everyone. One man can make no difference by himself, I don't care who says what about that saying. But bro, this I must completely disagree with you on, you do need a whole lot more than 20-30 seconds to build character and interesting story wich is the foundation upon wich you build originality in this genre. The reason for that is because if everything makes no sense, then the original thing to do would be to make sense, you know what I'm saying? If you do something else in such short time it's just randomness, and while it is fun it is certainly NOT original, randomness is overused as hell! You need more than 2 minutes too for that matter. But above all, you need a constant gallery of characters that doesn't change every 30 seconds! Unoriginal Madness can be great, I agree, but in small portions now and then, not with every release, that's what I'm saying in a god dammed nutshell!

Oh, and you also said "madness isn't unoriginal, the unoriginal is the people like me that doesnt do anything new of it". Understand this, you are, ALL of you, Madness. The community makes the genre as an artist makes his music, or a sculptour makes a statue. The way the art is will always be the direct product of what you made it to be. Hence, the collabs drag down the originality of the genre as a whole, wich is what I have been saying all this time.

I love how this post became a debate.

oh hello i was mentioned here

Yeah pretty much most has already been said here. The tributes don't appeal to me because it seems like I see the same things over and over again. If I try to think about the tributes that came from 2010, I can only think of Rebooting the Madness and Krinkels' movies. I can't remember anything else. Seems like all of the kills, characters, and weapons have been used to the point where everything is a huge blur to me. I guess some might say that the lasting value of a movie should always be a must. Some seem to try to say otherwise, that it doesn't apply to Madness.

Which is wrong entirely. The simplicity of the earlier episodes, the stylishness of MC4, then the suspense and darkness that comes in the movies after it have all left fine memories in my mind. Whether it was the settings of the movies, such as the train in MC6, the unique kills, such as Jesus in MC8, the dancefloor shootout in MC4, or the whole stealth thing that Hank was doing in MC5, those are all memorable things that last and make me want to go back and watch it. Most tributes today, I just watch once and that's the end of it.

Hell, sometimes, I find a collab that I think I haven't watched, so I watch it. When I watch it, there's usually one or two parts that strike me as being memorable. Then I remember that I have watched the collab before. But I can't remember any of the rest of it because it all seems like just the same over and over again, until this one specific part that shows any hint of imagination or stylishness comes along. Then I remember it.

It really doesn't take imagination to come up with some new weapons or locations. They can be as easy as your bedroom or something. In fact, one tribute I remember specifically is something where a guy was in his own bedroom. I thought that was neat. It was a nice change of scenery from these same old warehouse rooms.

But now it all just seems like it's based around a flat side-angle of some industrial warehouse with weapons we've seen over and over again.

But I also left Madness because I want to tell stories in more of my own style. I can't take a Madness tribute to apply to an art/animation college.


wow dude you must show me that one!!! But I can´t now my sister deleted steam >:C

Re-install it and get on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i think that the idea of madness is the creative ways you rip open people. its violence in an artistic way. and you have it dimb. and you have lots of imagination. most people cant create good sprites without creativity or originality. or the idea of a glowing green guy. so i would have to say that in madness animations you are one of the most creative people.

I really think the idea of the glowing thing wasnt nothing compared with other stuff i could see before, i put 0% effort at the art thing. but thanks

Thingthingdude200 no disrespect but I laughed as I read you comment. A green glowing guy is not very hard to think up, and if I am going to see somebody as one of the most creative people out there they need to have done more inventions than adding a hat to a 1337-crew dude. And while violence is great it will always be more or less the same, by no means should it be removed, it is the core of Madness. However the other aspects need to be redefined, the exterior so to speak. More elaborate designs would be a breath of fresh air, aren't you atleast a bit sick of seeing those fucking 1337-crew characters in every Madness movie nowdays?

I never get tired of madness. And i dont give a fuck about what you think.

also Rocky, the rate of collabs has heavily increased. There really weren't too many collabs around. There might have been about 10 existing ones before 2007, they weren't really too much of a hit because everyone made their own movies. I'd know, I've been around oka

After the larger, more exclusive collabs started getting attention (Agitation, Neurosis, etc), the smaller, more community-friendly collabs were introduced, who overall let more people in.

Then I guess they caught on.

I don't hate the genre because of the new stuff, I just simply don't pay attention to it. I've really given up with it. If I see a Madness flash on the front page, it's always a collab. It's never a full length solo project, it's always a mashup of 10 second clips of people running into rooms shooting.

And Dimb, I really don't understand what you mean- I mean, it doesn't really take much imagination to make a breakthrough movie, you, and everyone else totally have the potential, but it seems that a lot of you just give up or can't be bothered.

To add to my previous comment, it doesn't take imagination to make a breakthrough movie, it takes EFFORT.

okay that's it, sorry for spamming your page, happy new years

Ok, hum I'm going to answer everything in this reply to all your comments, I agree with most of what you say really, as you, i have been in NG 5 years, I just made this account 2 years ago, and well, I have been following madness since MC4, when i saw it... it was the best thing ever, and more now that i can animate it, but anyway, it's true that the only parts who keeps in the memory are those who has it touch of originality, the part you say from the guy that is sleeping and some agents breaks in and tries to kill him, madnes lol tests 3 from 7isunlucky, rorychally's part, Just amazing, I really agree with this stuff, and about that people says that will never get bored of madness, that they will quit in a year or two, thats totally true, a lot of guys who left madness, still loves watching it, but animating it, it's not that fun anymore. And well, about me being original, well, I have to say that I love the classic madness, I love animating it, the ionizing characters were made by delawares, I made the weapons, and it's true, it needs some effort, but sometimes i also try making some sprites and they just suck dicks, maybe im not putting enough effort, but i think that is 50% effort 50% imagination. I still dont get bored of collab pieces or madness tributes doing some killing over the room, after 5 years watching the same shit. But i know soon it will sadly, i'll just keep doing what i like cuz its one of the funniest shits to do when im bored of games and when i cant go out.

And of course, Happy New Year.

ya sorry for spamming. and i NEVER use krinkles sprites anymore.

Feliz año nuevo DIMB!!! y animo con las animaciones!!!

Happy New Year DIMB!!! and encouragement with animations!!!

thanks same to you

another one?! damnit..

yeah it sucks

Another earthquake? Not a very good way to start off the year, huh?

yeah :/

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